Space Studies Symposium 2018
"From the Midwest to the Moon and Mars"

Col. James F. Buchli, USMC (Ret)
When: Monday, May 7th - Wednesday May 9th
Where: University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
What: A technical conference featuring:
- Presentations
- Poster Sessions
- Special Guest Keynote Speaker Col. James F. Buchli, USMC (Ret)
- Full Schedule...
The theme of this year’s Space Studies Symposium encompasses the science and technology that has enabled the exploration of the Moon and Mars. In particular, we will be emphasizing the role that research in the greater North Dakota area plays in that exploration and how that exploration impacts life back on the ground. S3 is soliciting all research related to this theme, but research that is performed in or directly impacts the greater Midwest are highly encouraged.
Public and private enterprises alike have set the goal to land humans on the Red Planet within the next few decades. Achieving this goal has built on a legacy of robotic and human exploration both in and beyond low-Earth orbit. From geologic research on the history and resource availability of these locations, to the medical and communication infrastructure developed from the International Space Station, to the engineering of the rockets and habitats that make it all possible, paths to the Moon and Mars come from many disciplines.
The Space Studies Symposium 2018 is soliciting abstracts from all areas of research. Of particular interest are topics related to:
- Impact of space technology on rural areas
- Human spaceflight
- Astronaut physical and mental health
- Research aboard the International Space Station
- Commercial capabilities, implications and profitability
- Geologic experiments and results of rovers
- Astronaut selection
- Robotic exploration
- Exploration technologies
- Rocket and propulsion technology
- Cis-lunar activity
- Closed ecological life support systems
- In situ resource utilization (ISRU)
- Inflatable and/or analog habitat development
- Implications for military, international relations
- Potential spinoff technology