International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP)
ICAP is an international forum for aerosol forecast centers, remote sensing data providers, and lead systems developers to share best practices and discuss pressing issues facing the operational aerosol community. While the dynamical meteorology community has well-developed protocols and near real-time observing systems to support forecasting, the aerosol community is only beginning to organize. Infrastructure and data protocols need to be developed between operational centers in order to fully support this emerging field.
13th Technical Working Group Meeting: Interoperability and the Vertical Dimension
November 8-10, 2023 • Darmstadt, Germany
The purpose of the 13th Working Group Meeting of the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction is to survey the state of vertical profile data records and their utilization in informing and evaluating global aerosol prediction models. Challenges include data exchange/interoperability for measurements and models alike, near-real time delivery and utilization of data, ingestion of data into aerosol data assimilation systems, and interoperability to foster wide utility of these data products across divergent model platforms and in conjunction with synergistic datasets. Expert talks will be invited related to aerosol remote sensing, data assimilation, and modeling, and the meeting will update on the progress of the individual aerosol modeling centers.
Day 1
- A Brief Introduction to EUMETSAT
- Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service
- ICAP 2023: Met Office Update
- Update on the NASA GEOS Modeling Activities
- BSC Update
- Operational 20-km Global Forecasts of Atmospheric Composition with SILAM
- JMA/MRI/JAXA/KU Aerosol Model Activities Overview
- Météo-France Update: Evolution of the MOCAGE Model and Research Results
- Aerosol Forecast and Research with ICON-ART
- JCSDA Atmospheric Composition Activities Overview: Aerosols
- GEFS version 13 - Aerosols: Increasing Realism of NOAA's Flagship Global Ensemble Forecast System
- 3D-EnVar Aerosol Assimilation System for Global Aerosol Forecasting and Reanalysis at NOAA/OAR
- NAAPS Updates from NRL-Monterey
- Navy Ensemble Aerosol Prediction and Data Assimilation: Updates and Verification
Day 2
- Overview of the EUMETSAT Operational Aerosol Processors
- Aerosol Product from GEO Orbit with MTG/FCI - Coming Development and Perspective for a GEO-ring
- Toward an Operational NRT GRASP Processor for EPS-SG/3MI
- EarthCare and Aeolus Aerosol and Cloud Retrievals
- Update on the ALICAT Lidar and Recent NASA Sponsored Airborne Field Campaigns
- NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near Real-Time Capability for EOS (LANCE)
- Deep Blue Aerosol Updates
- Harmonised Cal/Val Strategy
- Status and Update on the WMO GAW Aerosol Lidar Observation Network (GALION)
- ACTRIS/EARLINET Aerosol Lidar Activities in the Global Dimension
- Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme
- WMO GAW Data Management and Exchange
- Bioaerosols: a Forgotten Component of Atmospheric Aerosols?
- Overview of the IASI-Derived ULB Dust Product and Recent Developments
- The IASI Mineral Aerosol Profiling from Infrared Radiances Algorithm
- Advances in Passive Remote Sensing of Aerosol Vertical Profile
Day 3
- InterComparison of Multiple Aerosol Reanalyses and Multi-Reanalysis-Consensus for Climate Studies
- First Representation of Aerosol Acidity in Cycle 49R1 of the ECMWF IFS
- Aerosol Retrieval Products Retrieved from Different Satellite Observations using GRASP Platform
- Towards the Next Generation of Synergy Product: Multi-Sensor Aerosol Product (MAP) from Sensors on-board the EPS-SG Satellites
- Advancing Global Aerosol Prediction through Open Science, and Cloud-Based Interoperability Strategies
- Harmonization of Aerosol Approaches in Remote Sensing and Transport Models
- Encapsulating the Aerosol State for Modeling, Data Assimilation and 1D-Var Retrievals
- Update on ICAP Product Distribution: Field Campaigns as Examples of the Need for Interoperability
Inquiries: Angela Benedetti, Peter Colarco